Author: Carleen

  • Easy annuals for high color impact

    Petunias (pink and purple), lantana (yellow), and lobelia (blue) complement each other nicely in a hanging basket.  These flowers perform best in full sun. Petunias (white), lobelia (blue), and potato vine (green) perform great together in a hanging basket  in full sun. These beautiful gloriosa daisies flower abundantly all summer and also reseed themselves for […]

  • What time of year is best for pruning?

    It is generally best to do your pruning in the spring.  For spring-blooming bushes such as forsythia, lilac and spirea, prune after they’re done blooming.  Summer blooming plants such as rose-of sharon and butterfly bush can be  pruned in the summer after they bloom. Nothing should ever be pruned in the fall.  Pruning at this […]

  • Blue Purple and Pink Hydrangea Flower

    Hydrangea flower color is influenced by soil acidity.  An acidic soil produces blue flowers;  an alkaline soil produces pink flowers. Soil with variable acidity produces flowers with a variation of color.