Author: Carleen

  • Easy Annuals

    Petunias (pink and purple), lantana (yellow) and lobelia (blue) complement each other nicely in a hanging basket. Petunias (white), lobelia (blue), and potato vine (green) go well together in a hanging baskets. These beautiful gloriosa daisies flower abundantly all summer and also reseed themselves for the following year.

  • The Vine That Ate the South

    KUDZU Kudzu is an extremely aggressive vine, and infests over 7 million acres in the southeastern United States and it’s estimated that kudzu is spreading to 120,000 acres each year( The scientific name of Kudzu is Pueraria montana var. lobata (Invasive species  It’s vigorous growth and large leaves smother native plants: it’s vines kill […]

  • How to Tame an Unruly Wisteria

    My wisteria supplies abundant shade for my porch in the summer, which is a godsend, since my porch has a southern exposure.  My white wicker rockers would be useless without the lovely shade it provides.  Also, the screen of grape clusters of purple flowers in the spring are breath-taking! Taming this vigorous vine is no […]